Announcing Advertising Prices for Primary Campaigns in 2022

As we have done in the past during the 2020 campaign, we wish to provide candidates the opportunity to connect with the public at-large.

However, we also understand that campaign advertising takes away from the opportunities for our regular business customers – and attention of our readers – away from regular news coverage as the campaign primary season gets underway in our area. 

This year, Myrick Multimedia is willing to provide local, regional and statewide campaigns with the opportunities to get their message out in front of our user base of thousands of readers daily across our corner of Georgia and around the globe. 

The only free option

Campaigns from here on in will be given the option of providing a single 250-word statement and photograph of the candidate to Polk Today and Paulding Today for publication online beginning on Thursday, March 31, 2022 and no later than Friday, April 8, 2022.

Polk candidates will be required to email their statements and photos to for publication. Candidates in Paulding County are asked to provide statements and photos to

Statements that are longer than 250 words will automatically be rejected without notice. 

Additionally, any photos that are under 1200 pixels wide will be rejected without notice, and a generic “vote” graphic will be used in its place. 

Polk Today and Paulding Today will give candidates the opportunity as well – if provided in a timely fashion and based on editorial time availability – the opportunity for individuals running for office to provide press releases or additional campaign materials to the public so long as it does not infringe upon editorial standards that Myrick Multimedia holds for its brands. 

Additionally, Myrick Multimedia is not a legal organ, thus we reserve the right to refuse advertising or campaign material for any candidate we believe does not uphold the standards or practices expected of leadership by our community of readers. 

Furthermore, because we are a for-profit organization, we also are not bound to provide candidates with anything further than the above single candidate statement. However, we will note that we – like all businesses – are more likely to work with customers than we are with those who aren’t paying us. 

With those caveats in place, here are some additional options for reaching out customers below. 

Paid options

Myrick Multimedia is setting the following, non-negotiable prices for campaign advertising for the 2022 primary season:

Business card: 

Polk County $289 flat/$339 animated per month

Paulding County $349 flat/$399 animated per month


$449 flat/$509 animated per month, per site


$549 flat/$649 animated per month, per site


$649 flat/$749 animated per month, per site

Big boy:

$709 flat/$849 animated per month, per site

Biggest boy:

$999 flat/$1299 animated per month, per site

See Polk Today or Paulding Today ads on our pages to see an example of the size of each advertisement. (We’re posting this without the graphics for the moment, but we’ll be updating this ASAP with example sizes shortly. Working from the road is fun! – KtE)


$50 per episode, 2 episode minimum for Talking Points on Polk Today; $150 per episode, 2 episode minimum for PolkSportsWire Round Table (note: this is evergreen content and doesn’t change, hence the pricing.)

Video advertising:

$450 per video sponsorship (April 2022)

$650 per video sponsorship (May 2022)

Video available for either or Polk Today and Paulding Today. Price is per video, and is evergreen content and doesn’t change.

Note: We will be updating this post with additional information shortly with impression rates for each ad.

2 responses to “Announcing Advertising Prices for Primary Campaigns in 2022”

  1. […] You can find out about advertising prices for campaigns for the 2022 primary season here. […]

  2. […] Know a candidate running for office? Let them know about Myrick Multimedia’s policy on campaign statements and advertising here. […]

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